Beginners Course Kajak
All of the beginners courses are taught on the salza, the selection of section is done by the instructor. The level of difficulty rises from ... weiter
Kajakcamp Greece
The wild white water rivers in Greece are told to belong tot he most beautiful rivers in Europe. The landscape we enter and pass are ... weiter
Kajakcamp Corsica
Corsica is a dream for all Kajak-lovers in spring. At a time when there is still winter in Austria you can already smell the summer ... weiter
Kajak Advanced Level 1
Following goals are included in every advanced 1 course from Liquid-Lifestyle: material science Subjective and objective dangers and how to avoid them Evaluation of the ... weiter
Kajak Advanced Level 2
Following goals are included in every advanced 2 course from Liquid-Lifestyle: material science Subjective and objective dangers and how to avoid them Evaluation of the level ... weiter
Wildalpen Bargain
Experience a slightly different vacation week with Liquid Lifestyle. Just tell us what kind of sport you would like to do (rafting, kajaking, climbing, canyoning, ... weiter